Are Protein Shakes Fine For Diabetic?

I tried reading more books about diabetes especially on what food and drinks can be used by diabetic people. Of course, the list for low glycemic food does help a lot.  Concerning protein shakes, here's what I found out.

Protein shakes are completely fine for diabetic people. However, caution in purchasing protein shakes. It has to be low in sugar. You have to remember that diabetes is about the malfunction of the sugar control of the body. And often times, excessive amount of sugar is easier to achieve when drinking liquids with high sugar.

If you think that the protein shake that you are drinking is high in sugar content, adding more water to it or milk would do the job in lessening the sugar content. There is a report that Almased is a good protein shake.

Whey protein shakes are also fine for diabetic people. Please note that most protein shakes and other smoothies are used for loosing weight which is also good for diabetic people. However, it is always better to make your own protein shakes using smoothie blenders so that you can control the sugar content well.

Lastly, make sure that you consult your dietitian for better planning of your drinks and food.

Types of Insulin

There are several types of insulin, depending on the kind of diabetes the patient have and depending on when he is to take it. There are four categories of insulins depending on how quickly they start to work in the body after injection: * Very rapid acting insulin * Regular, or Rapid acting insulins * Intermediate acting insulins * Long acting insulin. So let's go ahead and watch the video and learn from it.

Eating Vegetables Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

Eating vegetables is definitely good for your health and most especially if you are suffering from diabetes. They have lower cholesterol than that of any meat and is high in fiber.

If you are looking for vegetarian recipes or easy vegan recipes you can first start looking in any vegetarian sites. But what you need to look for is something that will help your diabetic diet. I suggest that instead of becoming a vegetarian instantly, why not just eat less meat and more vegetable first. In that way, your body will not be shocked on the sudden change of diet.

Remember, your goal is to make your body healthy by controlling your sugar intake, and not by totally eliminating it because it also have a detrimental effect in your health if you lack some sugar. Fibrous food can help you better in controlling your sugar levels in the body.

List of Low Glycemic Index Food

I have here a good list of low Glycemic Index foods that one can eat even if he has a diabetes. So meaning, you don't really have to suffer too much away from your favorite taste. But of course, it needs a lot of disciplines from yourself if you really want to take control over your diabetes.

Fruits – Apples, Cherries, Grapefruits, Grapes, Kiwi, oranges, pears and plums
Vegetables – mushrooms, onions, lettuce, red peppers
Beans – Baked beans, Cannellini Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto Beans, Red Kidney Beans , Soy Beans, and White Beans
Sugar – Fructose, lactose
Pasta (whole grain) – Spaghetti, Ravioli, Fettuccini, Spiral Pasta, Capellini, Linguine, Macaroni,
Cake – Sponge Cake
Dairy – Skim milk, low – fat ice cream, low fat yogurt
Snacks – Nuts including Walnuts, Cashews, Peanuts, and a small Dark Chocolate Bar,

List of Medium GI foods – GI 55 to 70
Pasta – Rice vermicelli,
Breads, cakes – Blueberry Muffin, Croissant, Pita Bread,
Pumpernickel Bread, Stone Ground Whole wheat bread, Whole Wheat Bread
Dairy – Whole ice cream
Snacks – Popcorn, Potato Chips
List of High GI foods – GI more than 70
White (bleached flour and refined sugars) Breads, Cakes – Bagel, Donut, Rye Bread, Sour Dough Bread, Waffles
Snacks – Corn Chips, candy, Pretzels

Practical Tips To Prevent Diabetes

There are several ways to prevent diabetes. I am not saying that these prevention can zero out your chances of having a diabetes. But doing these tips can definitely be a big help for you.

A simple lifestyle measures is undoubtedly a very effective way to prevent type 2 diabetes and its further complications:

Maintain healthy body weight.
Avoid getting obese. Here's a chart for the recommended weight  in comparison to your height. Please note that your weight should match your height. Obesity can give you a lot of complications, not only diabetes.

Right now, I myself is gaining weight. But I am determined to lose some weights. So I guess, I need to do more work outs and control my diet.

Physically active. 
A 30 minutes of regular activity that will help you sweat is a good start. The heavier you are the more activity you need. A morning and afternoon walk is definitely a good start.

Healthy diet. 
I strongly suggest that you get our diabetic cookbook if you still want to enjoy the food that you love. But always remember, less sweets, less carbo, but more fiber and vegetables.

Avoid tobacco.
Even if you are not diabetic, cigarette smoking is ALWAYS dangerous to your health. It can cause a lot of lung and throat diseases. Getting sick if you have diabetes can lead to serious complications. So please, avoid that, if not, quit smoking.

Avoid alcohol. 
Beer and some other alcoholic beverages are also not recommended. Rule of thumb when it comes to diet, a healthy diet is about natural foods. So I guess if you are in the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages, you need to avoid it, if not, quit.

Complications of Diabetes

Diabetes has so many complications. It can damage many organs.

The video below will explain to you the damages that it can do to you.

Diabetes is not a joke. You can prevent it. You can start by getting a good diet and exercise. Get your diabetic cookbook now!

Diabetes Explained Video

Below is an explanation of what diabetes is. I hope this one will really help us better understand of how serious it is to have a diabetes.